
Thursday, September 3, 2009

The most widely used illegal drug is marijuana, made from the hemp plant leaves. The drug is usually smoked in joints (cigarettes). People use marijuana to feel good and relax. The drug can cause a feeling deformed time and a capacity reduced to think and communicate clearly. Other side effects can include problems with the perception of depth and memory in the short term motor capacity impaired, eyes injected blood, mouth dry, and - with the chronic use - paranoia, panic and hallucinations. As cigarette smoke, smoke marijuana obstruction lung defenses against infection and can lead to bronchitis and emphysema. Marijuana smoking may cause even more than a danger of cancer than cigarettes because marijuana smoke contains more than one substance causing powerful cancer that tobacco smoke and because the people who smoke marijuana inhale smoke more deeply into their lungs. Heavy long-term use of marijuana may cause a psychological dependence can lead to a loss of energy, ambition and drive. People who are psychologically dependent on marijuana tend to have difficulty dealing with stress everyday normal. If you have relatives who are dependent on drugs and you seem cannot prevent them from using drugs the best thing to do is send them to a rehabilitation of drug to take care of their. Drug rehabilitation knows better take care of this kind of people. You must look for a drug rehabilitation that offers the most effective and soft rehabilitation treatment drug and medication to ensure rehabilitation programmes that your loved ones will be in good hands.


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